David W. Ball has been to 65 countries on six continents. He has lived and worked invarious parts of Africa. In the course of researching his novel Empires of Sand, he crossed the Sahara desert four times, and got lost there only once. Research trips for other novels have taken him to China, Istanbul, Algeria, and Malta -- a little island where so far he hasn't gotten lost at all.
A former pilot, sarcophagus maker, and businessman, David has driven a taxi in New York City and built a road in West Africa.He installed telecommunications equipment in Cameroun and explored the Andes in a Volkswagen bus. He has renovated old Victorian houses in Denver and pumped gasoline in the Grand Tetons.
He has a master’s degree injournalism from Columbia University and enjoys skiing, fishing, baseball, and opera.
His books have been published in multiple edit ions in a dozen languages including Greek, Serbian, and Polish. The novels include Empires of Sand, China Run, and Ironfire. His short stories include The Scroll, appearing in the multi-genre anthology Warriors, and Provenance, included in the anthology Rogues.
After finishing Ironfire David took some years off to do other things, but has recently been observed sitting in a corner of his study, listening for the voices in his head to see if anyone is still home. No word on that as yet, but he is currently at work on a novel set in Paris during the Occupation.
David lives with his wife, Melinda, and their children, Ben and Li, on a farm east of Boulder, Colorado. Two horses and a dog round out the menagerie. His family is pictured here in Wadi Rum, Jordan.
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David's latest short stories appearing in two multi-genre anthologies: